Mission Statement

To teach people to love their bodies and themselves and to trust the incredible wisdom that is within them. To give people courage to embrace their shadow and hold a lantern to their journey. To help them discover that their body is a temple that they have the privilege of taking care of.
About Me
I have been dedicated to my own personal growth for the past 40 years. I have been blessed with the opportunity to study in New York, England, France, California and Toronto and B.C., with many wonderful teachers.
This amazing journey has afforded me the adventure of getting to know myself better, to understand the laws of the universe, to find harmony and peace within and to heal my body from early trauma.
I believe holistic healing looks at the whole of you, bringing love, compassion & awareness to your process.
I am dedicated to using all the tools I’ve learned to help you on your journey
Approved Teacher with Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America
Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST) – www.craniosacraltherapy.org
Pre and Perinatal Practitioner – www.myrnamartin.net
Certified Shiatsu Therapist – www.ohashi.com NYC
Polarity Therapy – Polarity Wellness Centre – NYC
Shock and Trauma – Craniosacral therapy – Michael Shea, PhD – www.sheaheart.com
Pediatric Craniosacral therapy – Michael Shea, PhD – www.sheaheart.com
Sequencing Imprints – Tara Blasco and Mary Jackson www.castellinotraining.com
Reiki Master – since 2002
Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming – April 2013
Psych-K – Shadow Energetics – http://health-quest.ca
Yoga Teacher – 30 years experience teaching – many wonderful teachers
Graduate of National Ballet School Teacher Training Program – www.nbs-enb.ca
Meditation Teacher – 20 years experience
Founding Board Member of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America in 1998
President of BCTA/NA 2020-2023 www.craniosacraltherapy.org
Host and Chair of 2020 & 2021 BCTA/NA Breath of Life Global Virtual Conference and NA Virtual Conference
Host and Chair of 2023 BCTA/NA Breath of Life Conference in Estes Park, Colorado (live streamed)
What sent my on my healing journey?
I really wanted to wanted to be a world class ballerina. At the age of 11, I gained acceptance to Canada’s National Ballet School, 680 km away from my home in Sault Ste. Marie. It was truly a dream come true. Ten years later, I was dancing in a small Toronto ballet company at age 21. I was extremely dedicated and hard working. I had always been told that if you work hard enough you can achieve your goals. Something wasn’t adding up. I felt as if I was going in circles. I starting attending personal growth workshops. Ones where you confront everything in your life. I learnt so much! One of the most of important realizations was that I was supposed to be loving and listening to my body. As a dancer I had been fighting with my body trying to force it into someone’s ideal image of what a ballet dancer should look like. As much as I loved to express myself to music, ballet was taking a big toll on my body. I realized I needed to let it go. It was heartbreaking for me. As I slowly began to heal I became more connected to myself, discovering and processing many emotions that had be pushed down. I started to realize that dance had been a spiritual expression and that there were other ways to connect to my spirituality. Along my healing journey as my body told it story I realized how my body was still holding onto past traumas. Healing from a downhill ski injury that made my legs uneven (when I was 10 years old) and from a very traumatic event when i was 10 days old. As always there is a back and a front side to everything. The gift from that experience is a very deep connection to my spirituality and the Angelic realm. Healing is a journey, Life magically/mystically triggers old unfinished wounds, giving us many opportunities to reconnect to wholeness. I am so grateful for all of my wonderful teachers.